
Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Confidence and Boundaries

I woke up to body saying it wanted fresh fruit and vegies for breakfast. I appreciate that.

This morning I had the sensation of tight walls and dark tombs -- like solitary confinenement. I wondered how anyone could endure such a space. I was wondering if one could exercise and work muscles in such a space. How would one keep one's sanity? Then whisps of white floated through breaking up the confinement. The tight walls loosened and crumbled. Doing the warrior pose (my favorite yoga pose) I noticed how those wispy white threads moved through my cells. Body wants more movment and exercise! Maybe I'll go bike riding in the dark and rain or do more poses.

My confidence was lifted yesterday after two public talks. I was able to ground and mind/emotion/body worked. I did have to do a lot of positive self-talk. At one point during lunch I was feeling so light (right brain bliss) that I didn't know how I was going to find words. I kept grounding through internal dialogue. I'm getting a lot of encouragement and training from women authors. When I returned to the office I received a phone call to speak at an Optimist Club. That increases my confidence. Another gentleman who may be hiring my celebrity speaker for an Expo event invited me to attend. In our conversation we discovered that he grew up two miles from me and worked with my dad (George the plumber) when he was 18. We were both tickled.

Driving in my car yesterday afternoon Tracker shows up. It's as if he has a GPS tracking device on my car and follows me like one of his wolves. I used a technique I learned from author Sonia Choquette, PH.D. to separate from his invasive energy. About 10 minutes later I received a phone call from the Sheriff's department. A Deputy was following up on the call I made weeks ago regarding harrassing phone calls. I spoke to him about Tracker. I probably would not have mentioned this...however, I had just had that intrusive experience. Interesting timing and synchronicity. The deputy asked for this man's name and where he lives. He asked about his pattern. He didn't question...he asked for information. This is the third report. There are systems in place to protect women. I appreciate that.

It's time for men to be more conscious about the energy they put out into the world toward women. Women like myself who had fathers who didn't have boundaries and who were not available emotionally fall for these predators...until we wise up and become conscious. I continue to watch the trap that I know so well. I appreciate learning new boundaries.


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