
Saturday, November 8, 2008


I asked a co-worker what "assumption" meant since she attends that church. She sent me this:

"Mary's entire life, from the moment of her Immaculate Conception, reveals the unique feminine attribute of receptivity: She received: a singular grace from the Holy Spirit which preserved her from all sin and endowed her with a fullness of grace; and she was open and receptive to the will of God in all things--in her call to be the Mother of the Redeemer, and her freely willed offering of her Son on the Cross to the Father.

Because both men and women are creatures, we all are "feminine" in relationship to God, our Creator, receiving our very existence, and any growth in holiness, from him. On the spiritual level holiness is, in essence, receptivity; and Mary is a model for us all in being receptive to God's grace and for growth in sanctity."


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