Grass Roots
It took my friend who is on my CT Board 4 hours to clear the virus from my computer. It was down time for me. I begin to wonder if I'm addicted to the computer. Maybe I'll set a new rhythm...or is it internal rhythm that sets me?
Saw alien face this morning reminding me of spider man. I ask questions but don't get linear answers. I listen and watch for negative space to be filled in.
Some gear of my personal being keeps cutting out. It happened at my desk a couple of times. It happened in the middle of a talk. It happened yesteday in the middle of my living room. I blank out. The circuits shut down. Why? Is it a dimensional shift? Is it because I am on overload with the doing of masculine energy? Do I need more feminine Being and non-doing in my life? Or are alien beings trying to make contact and effecting space?
My son and daugher-in-law are going to Machu Picho to do volunteer work. I was very worried about them the other night. I saw them standing in the middle of that white hole -- time tunnel. Grief came up in waves at the thought of losing these two. If this is a psychic hit what do I do? Do I try to change that loss out of selfishness? Do I send white light and love and ask for protection? Do I say "By thy will, not my will?" And maybe it's me in the time tunnel. I think about crossing over lately.
I wrote a cover letter for the $10,000 grant for Lions Club. My boss wanted our grant writer to okay it. I had to tell Tony that it was not a corporate letter but more personal. He liked the letter and said he wished he could write the way I did. His role, however, is to be a liaison for upper management. The tone and temperature (vibe) between a corporate and "grass-roots" letter is very different. Corporate to me has to do with structure of egos. Grassroots has to do with flow of heart connections/ soul. I needed my boss to approve the letter before it went out. He wanted his name on it also because he had been at the meetings. I asked him if he'd read the letter and mentioned that it was from heart. As he turned to walk away he said, "I can have heart."
Obama is proof of the power of grass-roots relationships and politics.
Saw alien face this morning reminding me of spider man. I ask questions but don't get linear answers. I listen and watch for negative space to be filled in.
Some gear of my personal being keeps cutting out. It happened at my desk a couple of times. It happened in the middle of a talk. It happened yesteday in the middle of my living room. I blank out. The circuits shut down. Why? Is it a dimensional shift? Is it because I am on overload with the doing of masculine energy? Do I need more feminine Being and non-doing in my life? Or are alien beings trying to make contact and effecting space?
My son and daugher-in-law are going to Machu Picho to do volunteer work. I was very worried about them the other night. I saw them standing in the middle of that white hole -- time tunnel. Grief came up in waves at the thought of losing these two. If this is a psychic hit what do I do? Do I try to change that loss out of selfishness? Do I send white light and love and ask for protection? Do I say "By thy will, not my will?" And maybe it's me in the time tunnel. I think about crossing over lately.
I wrote a cover letter for the $10,000 grant for Lions Club. My boss wanted our grant writer to okay it. I had to tell Tony that it was not a corporate letter but more personal. He liked the letter and said he wished he could write the way I did. His role, however, is to be a liaison for upper management. The tone and temperature (vibe) between a corporate and "grass-roots" letter is very different. Corporate to me has to do with structure of egos. Grassroots has to do with flow of heart connections/ soul. I needed my boss to approve the letter before it went out. He wanted his name on it also because he had been at the meetings. I asked him if he'd read the letter and mentioned that it was from heart. As he turned to walk away he said, "I can have heart."
Obama is proof of the power of grass-roots relationships and politics.
At November 8, 2008 at 2:39 PM,
Unknown said…
I'm glad to see you were able to update your blog, after that nasty computer virus. I'm not sure I "killed" it yesterday, but it shouldn't recur or "pop-up" again.
Be careful what attachments you open. Let me know if I can help you anytime.
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