
Wednesday, November 12, 2008


My brain/body has definitley changed as I find myself tuning in to public talk radio rather than listening to music. For the first time I am enjoying digesting information and seem to want more. This new day does hold good news. I was listening to Amy Goodman (thanks to Dana for this intro) and heard Alice Walker read her open letter to President Elect Obama. She speaks of the Divine Feminine and encourages Obama to find peace and joy within and not get caught up in politics as usual. This morning I learned about Columbia and Obama's position toward the government. Perhaps now that Obama is in position there's a point around which to orientate and rally.

Wall Street - Main Street
Free Trade - Fair Trade
Corporate - Grassroots

These line-ups remind me of Marilyn Ferguson's book Aquarian Conspiracy. We can identify the old and new paradigms. The difference is the new is always inclusive (Light) and evolving. So, our lists will never end as long as we are in human body with work to do.

Not having access to a computer at home gives me more time to be Feminine! I putter, cook, wash dishes, look for craft projects, listen to CDs (McLaren has some great information on earth bound spirits), exercise -- all very relaxing abd sensual. Emailing and constant blogging at home can be a drain. If/when my computer is up and running again I want to put some boundaries around it. Today I'll try to get to the library to respond to Deepak's posts which is fertile ground for me.

A male friend and I were talking on the phone about meeting for dinner. He tells me he'll pick me up at work and states where we can go for dinner. It was so music to my ears! I really liked having someone else make the decisions. How odd! I guess that's how it is for us single women...we get quite independent in our decision making.

I went to my former Kiwanis Club to help make sandwiches for the homeless. They do this once a month. I'm rejoining because it's affordable for the agency where Rotary was not. This club adopted our treatment center for boys years ago and I let go of the relationship when my job changed. However, if this relationship is to survive and thrive someone needs to be involved to be a link, I want to do this. It's Obama's model of community organizing.


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