
Monday, December 8, 2008

Serpent Goddess

I've been sensing something was going to shift at work...and it did. My last day -- after 18 years -- will be January 5, 2009. I see this change as positive and I am so ready for new work and service. This is how evolution happens. A space fills in to overflowing as a new form waits in the wings ready to be born. This is how relationships (employment is a relationship) are fullfilled and end so that a new relationship can be created. It's that 8 pattern of flow and change. I admit I am a little shaky on the surface not knowing what the future holds regarding that secure pay check. I want to run out and start looking for new work. And on the other hand taking a month or two off and living on unemployment might be okay. I am stable at the core because I know the significance of this shift. I am celebrating an ending and a beginnning point!

In When God Was a Woman is a chapter entitled Unraveling the Myth of Adam and Eve. There is good information about serpent (sometimes dragon in myth). Goddess was referred to as Divine Serpent Lady, Great Mother Serpent of Heaven, Divine Mother who reveals the laws, She who Directs the Oracles, Serpent Goddess, Cobra Goddess, Primeval Prophetess. Serpent was associated with Eye of prophecy and vision: "At this temple in Byblos....Many symbols of the Goddess and Her cobra were found amid the ruins. One headband, adorned with the rising cobra, was constructed so that the snake would emerge from the forehead of the person who wore it, as the Eye of Wisdom. "

Eye is associated with Third eye and pineal gland. It is a part and point of a chakra system. I am seeing this "eye" at every chakra circuit as a portal that fuses light/energy/matter. These portals are chakras, glands, organs cells and they are planets and stars. The eyes or focal points are critical in the whole health of an organism...a body of matter. I sense that these portals are where a shift happens due to the union of +/male and -/female. It's where the download and upload of energy/light is focused, permeated, fused. It's a spiral "serpent" in design due to these points of light that co-create through evolution.

Just as there are points of light in our individual body so are their points of light in our collective body and on our Earth Mother. All points of light join forces for the good of the whole. We stand together and light the fires for all to see. Reminds me of the first Lord of the Rings movie.

It is an honor to now be learning Goddess history and the sacred serpent/dragon who has been with me as my "totem" for many years. What an amazing field is the unconscious to hold these archetypes that reveal One body.


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