
Friday, November 28, 2008

Concave Meets Convex

Not having a computer at the house means I have to contain my impressions until I can communicate them. It's good exercise and means I have to be more organized in my thinking and less spontaneous. My home is much more relaxing now without the computer pulls.

Dream a couple days ago: Doing an acrobatic pose where body is like an arc or bridge. In the dream I felt my arms, wrists and hands support upward movement of shoulders and head to get into the position. It was exhilerating and not something I can easily do in this realm due to lack of upper body strength. It was another symbol of that "dome" pattern of E/N/W.

Turtle. Serpent with fangs penetrating skin and earth. Black bear. All came into conscious view bearing witness to energetic contact of E/N/W and W/S/E. A unifed circle of c0-creative expression.

I saw and felt an image in my head that was like a horizontal land mass moving east to west. It was pinkish red in color and made an impression of shift deep in some recess of brain.

I woke up Thanksgiving morning thinking it was going to be a normal morning of food preparation. I was in for a surprise. I felt intense cramping in lower abdomen and ended up on the toilet with a purging of a deep colonic. I experienced dizziness, sweats, shivers and almost passed out. It was as if I had no ground under me and no center...almost like not being able to breathe...and like being hit in the gut. I drank cold water (from a local aquafir/Mother Earth's belly) to try to find center. I closed my eyes to call to light beings and support system. This was not easy to do because of the disorientation. I saw a large football shaped eye with dark and light lines of dimension. I don't remember if the 0 in the center of the eye was white or dark. The purging passed within 10 minutes. In the intensity of release I thought about the local gang shootings and the violence in India. I let it all pass through. I was determined to be with family so I slowly prepared my dishes and drove south acouple of hours later. On the drive I noticed how light I felt at the back of my head and how this was associated with some line that goes ear to ear. It all reminded me of the kundalini "snap" I experienced many years ago. Today I see the experience not as a good case of the "flu" (as any western doc would tell me) but as a convex response to a concave placement and contact.

Concave lens causes light rays to spread apart or diverge; a curving inward.

Convex lens causes light rays to to meet or converge; a bulging outward.

A footbal shape is used to describe these two lens.


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