
Thursday, December 4, 2008

A New Story

Al Gore was on Oprah talking about global warming. The melting ice chunks in Antartica is a purging. This is renewal and cleansing of Earth Body. Why? Because of new energy/light in this dimension. There was an image of Earth as a speck of dust held in sun beam. As individual and collective specks of dust we are constantly embraced in sun beams. Do we receive and emit the energy in turn -- with heartfelt joy and gratitude? Or are we blocked off and separate? Are we seeking something from the external world to make us feel powerful and whole? Or do we surrender in that shining and celebrate a deeper identity?

This time of change is an indicator of "the level of psychic free radicals in the collective consciousness" as Caroline Myss writes in her brilliant Thanksgiving enews message. "What psychic systems are out of balance that need to come into balance? Nothing that a person can do in the physical world can possibly redirect what "has" to happen in the energetic domain if that process has already begun." In my words it's that process of integration and disintegration: Evolution happens!

Held in sunbeam a new story unfolds. As characters in the story we play our parts through our own evolution. As we listen within and honor threads of integrity the plot reveals itself. We are like owl -- watching, observing and flying when it's time. This new story runs through the unconscious, sub-conscious and conscious bodies. No part is excluded.

I was in Portland to hear Dr. Wayne Dyer. I looked for a word to describe the experience. Sort of like scanning a field. A general feeling rose up and took shape as a word. I ground that "point" in consciousness via communication. It's an internal dialogue before it's external. This process includes two different lines. Perhaps one is concave and the other convex. The experience with Wayne Dyer was...comforting. I think that quality of experience has to do with angelic presence. What greater experience of service is there?

When Reverend Charles says "God" in his Sunday sermons I respond within with "Goddess." When Wayne Dyer said "God" in his talk I responded within with "Goddess." A book jumped out at me the other day at the bookstore. It's a book I've been aware of for years: When God Was A Woman by Merlin Stone. She writes, "This is not intended as an archaeolgical or historical text. It is rather an invitation to all women to join in the search to find out who we really are, by beginning to know our own past heritage as more than a broken and buried fragment of a male culture. We must begin to remove the exclusive mystique from the study of archaeology and ancient religion, to explore the past for ourselves rather than remaining dependent upon the interests, interpretations, translations, opinions and pronouncements that have so far been produced. As we compile the information, we shall be better able to understand and explain the erroneous assumptions in the stereoptypes that were initially created for women to accept and follow by the proclamation in the male-oriented religions that, according to the divine word, a particular trait was normal or natural and any deviation improper, unfeminine or even sinful."

Our new story goes beyond matriarchal and patriarchal lines; Goddess and God religions; left and right hemispheres in brain. Our new story honors parts and the whole. It's not one or the's subtle and gross matter rising up in response to the beams of light that hold us and comfort us.

The name of the church I now find myself in is Genesis. We re-write this story and free the Adam and Eve that carried shame and guilt. We re-write a new paradise that holds inner female co-creating with inner male. We re-write a new Serpent that represents the sacred spiral of heaven and earth force and flow as one whole. Evolution is the creation story. I am honored to play a part and add my hand in the turning of the next page.


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