
Friday, November 28, 2008

Staying True to Truth

The media feeds us news of violence and bombings. This disintegration is not the only reality playing out in this dimension. Integration is happening even more rapidly...who will bear witness?

Those of us who are response-able must broadcast the other side of the news and offer nourishment to the starving masses.

I think of Hay House and that network of light workers. This is an example of a system that can negate the negative news. That network is as powerful as its parts.

If the "conscious" parts are walking their talk in honesty/purity/clarity then that collective force will penetrate and have a transforming effect on the unconscious Earth body.

I see our collective systems of light as a halo or aura around the earth bringing pressure to bear.

Let us not be fooled by illusion of disintegration...let us be true to the concave and convex mirrors that reflect Truth and Love = Life.


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