
Monday, December 1, 2008

New Cycle - New Life

I forgot to mention eagle in my parade of animals. As I walked out of the Alaskan Native event I noticed a man who was wearing a beaded medicine bag with an elaborate eagle. We chatted. The next day as I was riding my bike along the river I saw a large bird with white head and white tail. Eagle flies North as I bike South. Later a man is taking photos of the eagle perched in a tree. He sent me photos for my website. A lot of animals spoke last week. They, too, are guardian hosts holding a layer of systemic support.

I thought the woman at the local book store was sincere when she responded to my interest in presenting a talk on the sacred feminine. However, she didn't respond to several calls. I'm not going to push it and I no longer take these things personally. Now, that is freedom! I simply move on.

Reverend Charles is a dynamic minister who speaks from his heart ( and yesterday mentioned "rocks" a couple of times. This "language of the soul" created an arcing bridge with me as I have pinnacle rocks featured on my website. It was the sign I was watching for and opened the door for me to step forward in this community to offer ideas and energy of contribution:

1. Earth Day event, 2009
2. International Day of Peace, 2009
3. Alliance for a New Humanity (global meditation involvement)
4. Language of the Sacred Feminine (sharing my story)

Genesis is celebrating one year of life this Sunday and I will join them in their new cycle of worship and service via community.


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