
Friday, December 19, 2008

Male / Female Contact

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow. Three days at home due to snow...what a nice vacation! The library is open for a few hours today so I can catch up.

I purchased a deck of angel oracle cards by Doreen Virtue and opened them yesterday. Wow! What a gift! I ask a question and lay out cards and the messages are loving and wise -- angelic! I am opening Living the Wisdom of the Tao by Wayne Dyer daily to connect with universal inspiration. I appreciate this introduction. Today I opened to verse 60:

Governing a large county
is like frying a small fish.
You spoil it with too much poking.

Approach the universe with the Tao
and evil will have no power.
Not that evil is not powerful,
but its power will not do harm to others.
Not only will it not do harm to others,
but the sage himself will also be protected.

If only the ruler and his people would
refrain from harming each other,
all the benefits of life would accumulate in the kingdom.

Reverend Charles Hall asked if I'd be interested in doing outreach ministry at Genesis (this was a surprise to me...and a natural evolution). He invited me to a January meeting with other leaders of the church. I am delighted to see what doors open now that one closes. Reverend Charles spent time at the Agape International church in LA and worked closely with Michael Beckwith. Rev Charles says that I am a blessing. I tell him the same. I am moving forward with an Earth Day event with the Genesis community and I'll be talking with Charles' mom about joining me in showing Wayne Dyer's film Ambition to Meaning to the community. It will be fun to have interractive conversation about the film. This grounded contact with Genesis and possible work in the future provides an inner and out alignment of who I am and my work in the world. I am ready for new work!!

Male/female contact is what makes the world go round. It's natural law from which all life springs energetically and physically.

Male/female contact is first born and developed within one's individual body through emotions and thoughts with left and right brain support. Conscious alignment and development with one's higher spiritual Self is critical in order to transcend negative ego patterns that separate one from Source.

One's personal life journey is filled with relationships that weave varied patterns. Relationships serve as teachers reflecting one's own ego, psyche and soul. Relationships are mirrors. If one is on an evolutionary path one moves forward learning soul lessons while clearing unhealthy and limiting ego patterns. The journey goes round and round ever upward riding the current of Truth and Love (is this Tao, chi, prana...?) This path of inner commitment revolves around Self first and self second.

External relationships come and go like waves on the shore of one's being. There is gratitude for the contacts and experiences both positive and negative providing opportunity to identify and claim inner harmony and balance within oneself and within relationship with another.

Letting go of a relationship is part of the ascending process. Letting go is natural when contact reaches a ceiling and there is no room for further co-creative expression. Holding on is foolish and full of ego. When a wave comes and goes the whole ocean is transformed and renewed. All contacts, all relationships, call for celebration -- those that are being born, those passing away and those that have passed on. All relationships are held in oceanic space of Love with its ascending and descending cyclic patterns.

Male/female contact is a point of light that radiates and reflects. This brightness and creative power depends on inner work of the parts much like polishing rough stone that transform into diamonds. Relationship contacts create crystal community.

Male/female contact is a spark, a beginning point of engagement. It's like a car. One can turn it on. One can put it into gear. One can step on the gas. One can move forward. Or not. There are many possible outcomes after initial contact.

Standing in the Garden of Eden we write a new Genesis story. We draw a circle and call in elemental water, air, earth and fire. We call in Nature and His/Her Beings of Light. Beings from all directions and all realms -- subtle to gross and gross to subtle. We stir the alchemical soup under watchful Eye of Serpent. May the world be tempted by a new story. May the world know a new Tree of Life. Life that holds both good and evol.


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