
Saturday, December 13, 2008

Negative Space

New cycles bring unknown territory. Sometimes I find myself concerned and stressed but logic is not far away. Logic seems to let me have my emotional space and steps in so that I don't get too out of balance. My self-prescription for unemployment is to beam more light and be more aware. When there are cracks in one's foundation all sorts of goblins can get in causing havoc in one's daily life. So, I am keeping them at bay...not keeping them out because they have their territory and purpose in negative space but keeping them at bay. Reminds me of that great movie about circles for protection....Bridge Over Terabithia. Which reminds me how different my bike ride was yesterday when I put air in the tires. How does that apply to an aura? How does one pump up one's aura for smooth sailing?

I am listening to Karla McLaren again. She has a six disc set that I so appreciate. The second disc is called Discovering your Elemental Nature. Water, air, earth, fire and the fifth element is Nature - quint essential. Fascinating how she has found her own rituals...along with her partner...and how they use these rituals in service to others. I learn about boundaries from her stories.

A couple of groups in my valley are opposing a new jail in our community. They don't want the "criminal element" in our valley. Why not take those "criminals" something nourishing when they're our neighbors. Karla offers drumming to prisoners...and she is very aware of her boundaries. Fear will only be transcended when enough of us reach out and through old negative patterns.


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