
Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Dark and Light Linkage

Is energy/light positive and matter/dark negative?

Radiation +
Attraction +/-
Response –
Union +/-
Unified Radiation +/- -/+ +/- -/+ (synergy of whole system and crystal community)

Does energy and matter have an alternating current that moves through contact linkages (chakras) in ascension and descension?

Matter is dark with shadow because it’s in relationship with light. The two opposites are related through creation and, in turn, the two co-create within the whole.

I have relationship with dark patterns/demons that are not healthy for my body. I’m not battling the demons. I’m dancing with them. It’s a give and take. I would love to just kill them off but that is not my nature. The demons have held alchemical territory and they love the sugar rushes. This pattern is similar in the larger body of humankind with its unhealthy dark patterns/demons holding alchemical territory through violence and aggression. What chakras and organs are overactive? What hormonal chemicals are dominating our brain-body?

It’s time to shift into gentleness. A letting go (rather than resistance) and holding new ground for patterns that are healthy and balanced. The effect is and will be increasing peace.

It makes no sense to point fingers at local and global wars. It makes sense to take responsibility for one’s own part in this old alchemical drama. That responsibility includes an honest look in the mirror of one’s self/dark and Self/Light.


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