
Saturday, December 20, 2008

Holographic Relationship

Communication is important to me as I plow through snow to get to this library. Circumstances remind me of Lord of the Rings. Nothing can stop forward movement. No evil wizard, no ghoulish monsters, no spies, no weapons of destruction...nothing. Truth of Love prevails as fires of communication light the hillsides. Community is in place.

I told Rev Charles that our new connection is like two gears coming together. This attraction and contact is not romantic. Charles is my son's age and has a girlfriend. I've been involved/engaged spiritually (telepathically) with several men who were involved/engaged with an/other women. These relationships were powerful and creative but limited. My emotions had no place to ground and I hit ceilings (reminds me of recent dreams).

When that ceiling point was reached and the dead end apparent I cut the chord and let go. It was easy simply because it was time. Years ago I held on with sticky emotional residue. In more recent years the cut is swift. I now realize that this is how logic works! Logic is firm and sharp where emotion is soft and round. Both energies are critical in establishing and maintaining healthy boundaries. Learning about boundaries comes late in my life and I now learn to function within healthy lines of personal space. Boundaries mark consciousness of who I am.

Is it possible for a man and woman to engage in full-force contact that moves 360 degrees? Is earth garden and crystal community developed enough to hold the strong electro-magnetic positive and negative charge? Can matter contain this expanded voltage and radiance?

We write a new Genesis story as we exchange new quality of Love, Truth and Life. This male/female relationship begins within and my hope of finding a compatable partner lives on. Why? Because it's inherent in design. Because the Garden, Adam and Eve, Serpent, Apple and Tree of Good and Evol are in my/our DNA. Love through positive/male and negative/female is natural law and order.

We release the chains. We release the bondage of lies in our lives. We release again and again goind round and round the circle of life. We do this individually and collectively because it is our Nature. For those not ready to let go of ego grace holds them through time. For those ready for new service in this world the way unfolds NOW to do so.

Matrix boundaries are set as attraction pulls the parts together. I stand tall and shout: "Let new cycle begin." I stand on mountain with lightning flashing and staff in hand. I stand with those who have gone before me, those who stand with me and those who will stand together in the future. This is the time and this is the place for cohesion as force rises up and through this physical form sitting in a public library. I radiate and reflect love and let it surround earth matter. How does that happen? Through holographic lines and lens.


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