
Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Slipping and Sliding Dimensions

This has been one strange snow cycle. A comedy of errors starting from an unemployment notice to a snow storm that continues. My actions caused me to bump into systems, people and objects.

For example, I cut my finger on glass trying to fix a print. It was traumatic since I'm so used to being protected/safe. I held the flesh tightly together and projected healing energy and thoughts. I had no idea how serious it was. Interesting that I cut myself in the same living room location where, an hour earlier, I had laid out angel cards for a reading. I offered gratitude to angels that the cut wasn't serious. The healing power of body is amazing.

After that I was cleaning a room and bumped my head on an object--twice! I've cleaned that room many times over many years and never have I bumped my head on that doorknob! It started to feel like something was off-kilter in my if there was a tilting and I was sliding off.

The next day my car slides down the driveway hill out of control. It takes me a good amount of time to shovel out of the snow -- something I really enjoyed! being dry, warm and getting a good workout. The mishap, however, added to the out-of-kilter lines.

Then it gets really crazy regarding work and trying to get holiday gifts to kids without phone numbers and the office closed due to the snow storm. And angel neighbor transports me so I can do errands. I forget my cell phone and miss many calls. Nothing was normal. I felt I let people down. And somewhere I lost my debit card...that really got to me. I try to be so conscious of that card. Life was out-of-control...non-ordinary reality.

I finally had groceries for holiday cooking and I had to work to settle down after all the give and take. Give me an angel reading and take some blood. Give me a car that gets out of the snow and take a debit card. Give me an angel who assists with errands and take the phone. This give and take was bizarre--is this what survival is like or a shift of elements?

As I was standing in front of the stove cooking I noticed a split second flash at that X point in front of me. I simply noticed.

Trying to sleep was impossible. Something had opened up and there was a parade of whispy characters and images. At one point there was a horizontal line and I was watching a scene like a movie. Was I being projected into another time/space? Was another time/space coming into my space? It seemed like the snow storm had spirits on the move! Was this like Halloween when the veils of the worlds are thinned? I have exprienced this before and stayed with it until I thought about my boundaries. I asked for space and finally got some sleep.

This morning I remembered the news feature about the girl in the hospital who was taken off life support and an angel image appeared on the hospital camera. Soon after the girl recovered-- a miracle! That angel image was a hologram! Perhaps the images before sleep were also holographic. What does all this have to do with being off-kilter? Are we sliding into a new dimension or is a new dimension sliding into us??

This is a very strange holiday to all beings in all dimensions!


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