
Monday, January 5, 2009

Dreams and Contacts

Flying dreams on strong, sweet currents lifting me upward and in all sorts of aerial patterns. Some quite intense and thrilling. Flights to other dimensions: a hazardous waste site with everyone wearing white dealing with a white powder; a foriegn country where I tried to be invisible but people saw me and talked to me in a language foriegn; a man from high school giving me a strong kiss -- a man who passed away a couple of months ago and someone I was not attracted to. What does he communicate? What do all these dimensional places/people communicate? As I flew I took off clothes representing core innocence and not sexuality. Perhaps I can be more intentional about radiating light in these other dimensions without fear and self-consciousness.

I sensed someone respond with the question: What do I mean when I talk about feeling vulnerable when expressing emotions? The question indicates a new quality of contact that wants to see and know more. The question represents forward motion rather than worn out ruts and spinning wheels.

My emotional vulnerability has to to with hitting ceilings because my contacts and relationships with men have been limited. I, and the men in my life, have not known how to stay focused in one-pointed relationships. We have tried to have primary relationships while having "on the side" relationships. This dilutes the waters, the electric current, between two people. As exciting as this might be to one's ego and sexual hormones it does not feed one's soul. I am aware that my kundalini circuitry needs one external male point of focus. It doesn't mean that I need a male to make me whole. It means that I need a male partner for co-creation -- not procreation. I don't have the foundation for this new quality of contact and relationship...thus the vulnerable feelings. However, now that this energetic emotional pattern has been identified -- thanks to someone responding with a question -- all things can be made new because new ground is created. It's a dynamic living quantum process because new contact and contacts are in place.


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