Welcome 2009
Alliance for a New Humanity's January e-newsletter features: Resolutions to Serve the Planet by Annie Lennox, Deepak Chopra, Raymond Blanc, Tim Smit and others share their resolutions for the New Year. I love this shift of focus! It reminds me of the conversations I'm having with Rev. Charles at Genesis-Global about the opportunity to build an economy on service to others rather than monetary and material exchange. This shift is from getting to giving. It's in giving that we receive -- when did this cycle flow get turned around with the negative aspect of receiving first?
New Year's Eve I went with my friend to a non-drinking party. Conversation included comments about issues that people were dealing with. One woman said there were layers and layers of issues. I said that was a great opportunity to go to one's core. She looked at me strangely...not sure why. Do people know there is a core where there are no issues? That there is a place of peace and comfort? A place of alpha and omega? We then went to a local Ananda Community for meditation. The room of meditators felt comfortable and like family as one man was quietly snoring. I couldn't relate personally to the songs or prayers to Paramahansa Yogananda and while others offered this gratitude my thoughts went to trees and rocks. (Maybe I'll read his book one day to get to know him.) I was introduced to yoga 30 years ago and didn't do well when I was told I had to hold my fingers/thumbs in a certain way. I thought "no way"...what about those people who didn't have hands. It simply wasn't my path. Tonight my friend and I will go to a drumming circle to bring in a new year in yet another energetic way.
I heard Dan Siegel on the radio talk about his book The Mindful Brain in Psychotherapy: How Neural Plasticity And Mirror Neurons Contribute to Emotional Well-Being. I have to read this book! In my words it's about a new "contact" in brain-body that allows one to change old patterns and move in new circuitry.
I am watching more Lord of the Rings movies looking for that scene where lights are lit on hillsides in a battle with darkness. (Maybe it's a scene from a different movie.) That scene is powerful representing for me points of light within and all around the planet. Lights that are intentionally set for the well-being of the whole. I love the tree scenes in The Two Towers series. "Nobody cares for the woods anymore," says the talking tree.
New Year's Eve I went with my friend to a non-drinking party. Conversation included comments about issues that people were dealing with. One woman said there were layers and layers of issues. I said that was a great opportunity to go to one's core. She looked at me strangely...not sure why. Do people know there is a core where there are no issues? That there is a place of peace and comfort? A place of alpha and omega? We then went to a local Ananda Community for meditation. The room of meditators felt comfortable and like family as one man was quietly snoring. I couldn't relate personally to the songs or prayers to Paramahansa Yogananda and while others offered this gratitude my thoughts went to trees and rocks. (Maybe I'll read his book one day to get to know him.) I was introduced to yoga 30 years ago and didn't do well when I was told I had to hold my fingers/thumbs in a certain way. I thought "no way"...what about those people who didn't have hands. It simply wasn't my path. Tonight my friend and I will go to a drumming circle to bring in a new year in yet another energetic way.
I heard Dan Siegel on the radio talk about his book The Mindful Brain in Psychotherapy: How Neural Plasticity And Mirror Neurons Contribute to Emotional Well-Being. I have to read this book! In my words it's about a new "contact" in brain-body that allows one to change old patterns and move in new circuitry.
I am watching more Lord of the Rings movies looking for that scene where lights are lit on hillsides in a battle with darkness. (Maybe it's a scene from a different movie.) That scene is powerful representing for me points of light within and all around the planet. Lights that are intentionally set for the well-being of the whole. I love the tree scenes in The Two Towers series. "Nobody cares for the woods anymore," says the talking tree.
At January 5, 2009 at 9:11 AM,
Martin Walker said…
Hello, Trish.
The science of neurogenesis, brain plasticity and mirror neurons seems to be popping up in many different spheres of research at an increasing rate.
Over the last year I've seen studies published that come at these exciting findings from many directions -- brain machine interaction, drug efficacy, stroke rehabilitation, etc.
Exciting times. You should definitely take a look at Norman Doidge's book, too -- The Brain That Changes Itself.
Best wishes,
Effective, Affordable Brain Training
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