
Saturday, January 3, 2009

Wayne Dyer

Radiation, attraction, response, union, unified radiation

There is a missing piece to this equation. That missing piece is "contact" which happens before union. Contact is an X crossroads representing energy and matter...kundalini force. Contact holds new space for new energy that includes more choices through response and action. It's as if there is new wiring and circuitry that conscious humans co-create.

I'm looking forward to being in California in a few days supporting Wayne Dyer through his new film and TV broadcast. Interesting how unemployment opened the way for this along with other synchronistic factors. What is the emotion that rises up when witnessing synchronicity? It's both humble and jubilant. It's like watching a quantum universe manifest before one's eyes. It's awesome!

I found this writing the other day in one of my journals:


The passing of day
Morning weeding
Smell of damp earth
Coolness of air
Sounds all their own

Noon relaxing
A yummy lunch: salad with kalamati olives
Reading New Times
Wayne Dyer inspiration
I agree with him!
We believe/think alike!
That's good!

Noon sun overhead representing intelligence, enlightenment

Six+ years later it feels like the quantum universe delivering flowers on my doorstep!


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