
Saturday, January 17, 2009

Two Grids

Before I left for my trip I was anxious about driving in LA. The emotion wouldn't leave and got heavier. I decided I needed to change my attitude/energy and suddenly I saw white substance fill in the LA street grid. This was a perfect solution that didn't come with intention or conscious effort. A solution was needed and when I let go of my negative emotion (fear) something filled in.

I love Encinitas! To my surprise I encountered Paramhansa Yogananda the Self-Realization Fellowship, Gardens and Swami's Beach. Is some cosmic line linking me with this being and energy? The scent of sage at Cottonwood Creek Park was divine...I brought some home. The beach is like a freeway with meditators, tai chi dancers, surfers, walkers, joggers, etc. And those! My last day was a vibrational high and that subtle brain wave didn't allow me to get into car to drive to Wayne Dyer's TV broadcast. I had to stay put where I was -- on the beach. On my 7-day trip I had only three disruptions in my pneumoplasm (an Emisarry of Divine Light term): when negative "demons" rose up regarding my sister and childhood patterns; tracker vibes in LA and Encinidas; and the last afternoon when guys were driving aggressively as I tried to cross the street.

When I got lost on the LA freeway I calmly turned it over to my angels...rather than having an emotional breakdown about missing my flight home. More comedy of errors so I took an exit to ask for directions. I noticed several signs with my sacred numbers 7,8 and 9. These numbers always reassure me that the divine plan is unfolding. I stopped at a small hotel and approached an oriental woman wearing bright red lipstick. With calm urgency (what is a word for that?) I told her my plight. She immediately said that I was her "guest" and that I was welcome to have coffee. She printed out a map and went over it with me a couple of times even highlighting in yellow. She was my angel! When I get lost I think there must be a reason...there is land that I am to explore, energy patterns I am to carve or people I am to contact. There's got to be some reason for being so spacey (negative, non-linear ) in this grounded (positive, linear) dimension.

I've been writing this "living book" in blog format for many years. Before the blog I wrote poetry and drew more images. Now I'm getting that this other book that I write wants to be mostly poetry...and much of the previous writing I've done in prose no longer sounds right to my brain and senses. For me prose dillutes energy and uses many words that drag...poetry gathers energy and gets to the point of uplift...and yet I know too much poetry is not balanced. A format is starting to emerge.

From my California trip I brought home two grids. I'm not exactly sure how they interract or relate. One may be positive, the other negative. More material for a book about the Language of the Sacred Feminine. More evol to tune in to.....


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