
Monday, January 12, 2009

Angel Readings

Staying with big sis is both integrating and disintegrating. She and my broher-in-law are mothering me with food, shelter, ongoing stimulating conversation and friendship. Sis's writing studio (alive with Muse) has French flair highlighting her unique choices of decor through furniture, fabrics and color. This home is quaint, charming. Yesterday my positive energy shifted and some "holes" started to appear. I started to feel negative spalces in my body and mind -- my old timid and insecure childhood persona (a word I heard from these two psychotherapists) was coming through. Last night I started to get a cold...a sign of internal ground breaking up. My sister fed me nutrition tablets and this morning the drippy nose and pressure in head is gone. I talked with her about what was coming up regarding my relationship with her. I think of her back then as being domineering and cold. She says I got much of her anger. She is present to process the toxins...having done a lot of her own healing work.

This morning I woke up with inspiration to write. Notes and ideas I have already written start to connect and merge. I had gotten a new sense of view from above looking down on all my material. It was like Zeus or Sun looking on creation. This overview can help me organize the parts.

Driving south today through new territory. I'm "living large" for a week. Then it's unemployment mode which will be a very modest lifestyle with a lot of writing -- I think. One thing about living in an inspirational and quantum universe one never knows what the moment will bring. One must stay light on one's feet and turn/shift when it's time. It's a grand design!

I asked my sister and brother-in-law if they would like an angel reading. They did so I introduced them to the cards. I encouraged them to do their own reading and they were quite interested in the messages. In a split second I got that I was to leave my angel cards with them to support their inner healing journeys as well as the healing work they do in their worlds.

There seems to be new "contact" with angels. I'm receiving new support in my day to day moments. It's little things I'm noticing and that I have new grounded awareness. I never thought about angels assisting with grounding but that seems to be what's unfolding NOW.


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