
Saturday, January 10, 2009

Los Angeles Muse Adventures #1

Packed and ready to go to Los Angeles as rains poured down and rivers rose up in several local counties. Would I be able to get through the valley if I waited until morning? I was tired and it was 9:00 PM. I turned it over to my angels. Right son calls concerned about the flooding and gives me the boost needed to drive to their house that night as he is transporting me to the airport. Interesting response from angels!

At Sea-Tac Airport I sit cross legged on a chair waiting for departure. I meditate to get centered and energized. I open my eyes and look directly into the eyes of a man walking toward me. We make joyful contact. He asks me questions and I talk with him about yoga and spirituality. He comments about my "transmitting" and that my energy is very sensual. He asks if I'm single and wants to touch hands...a lot. He's Italian and has a nice appearance reminding me of Ghandi with his glasses and large brown eyes. I give him my card/number and invite him to call me since he lives in LA. I mention that I have boundaries around the touching yet give him a kiss on the cheek when saying goodbye.

My new friend met an Italian man at the drumming circle and they have started spending time together. I met a very responsive Italian man at the airport. Now in LA my brother-in-law takes us to the Getty Villa (dedicated to the study of the arts and cultures of ancient Greece, Rome, and Etruria) in Malibu. I begin to wonder about these lines connecting the west coast with Italy. I am drawn to a certain goddess statue, Venus-Hygieia, as she has a cupid at her right side and a snake in left hand. This goddess represents health. I also notice "Dragon Fountain, in Twoli near Rome" mentioned on a work of art.

As soon as I arrive at my big sister's house I notice a very large tree (elm?) at the back. I walk the block taking pictures of the natural world. There are many trees with large trunks who liked having their picture taken!

I sit at my big sister's dining room table having breakfast telling her about male and female energies and my need for more testosterone in my expression. She exclaims, "Goddess is here!" as a spider descends from space at her left side. She says the last time that happened she with in a woman's circle discussing Goddess. I guess that is confirmation about male energy.

I sit under one of my sister's orange trees to sketch and meditate. This is peace work I would like to do! And why not? In a Shift magazine I read The Power of the Collective by John Hagelin that talks about the healing power of meditation. President Obama is creating green jobs. Meditation is a green job and can reduce crime and violence. Why not pay people to meditate?? It's not's wholistic health!

Hollywood is not what I expected and reminded me of the Puyallup Fair back home. My sister laughs and says it's not Beverly Hills. Wayne Dyer's movie is entertaining and inspirational. I kept noticing the bright eyes of the actors/actresses. They are authentic which adds to the positive impact this film will have on mass consciousness and unconsciousness.

There has been talk about what's next in my life. I drew an angel card recently about study. Was I to attend school or take a class? The man on the plane tells me that I don't need credentials...that I have a gift and to follow that. My brother-in-law tells me again how much he appreciated the service I offered at mom's life celebration. It is so good to be seen and acknowledged. Yet, what does it all mean? What's next in my life now that I'm unemployed?

5:00 AM this morning I was outside briefly and made contact with the full moon (now behind the large elm) as if acknowledging a friend. I felt deep emotional contentment (radiant peace is the term coming through today) at simply Being. As soon as I lay back in bed a rush of information comes in..wholistically. My new work is to write my book. The feminine has created 35 years of experience via "works of art" and now my masculine is kicking into gear to help me structure and deliver it. How does one organize all the material? My sister and brother-in-law are both writers and give me some tips. At the Getta Villa are statues of the Muses. I checked in with each one to see which one I resonated with. I thought "dance." This morning I got..."writing." The lines connecting me to Italy are muse to muse!


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