
Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Spiritual Intimacy

Spiritual intimacy holds dominate polarity in North.
Physical intimacy holds dominate polatiry in South.
These two opposite energies merge and meet in middle earth.

Both polarities are engaged in radiation, attraction, response, contact, union and unified radiation. This kundalini circuit/serpent offers fertile co-creation in one's inner and outer world.

Spiritual intimacy (subtle wavelength invisible to physical eye) manages and regulates physical intimacy (gross wavelength visible to physical eye). Universal laws and personal boundares are set in place. Old ego identity and behavior from once dominate south no longer reigns supreme. A new compass and map is sealed into place (+) and space (-). This new orientation and overview guides personal behavior within oneself and with others. The outside-in orientation is now inside-out! Shift happened!

Relationship expands to include healthy and grounded giving and receiving. Love expands to heal distorted patterns.


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