
Friday, January 30, 2009

4.5 Earthquake

It's very humbling to feel Mother Earth shake and to hear your house creak with the stress. We are all in Her hands. Have we forgotten to relate to Her? To thank Her? To be reverent toward Her? Her wild Nature reminds us. We don't have control of everything.

Shaken out of a dreamy state at 5:30 AM. I wondered in what level of reality I experienced an earthquake. News confirmed a 4.5 earthquake. The information that came through for me was not to be stressed about unemployment. There will be more shifting over the next few months. go to the aquafir for a new supply of water.

Unemployment is an emotional experience with highs and lows. It takes away an identity and leaves one without that old ground to stand on. Truth is I'm not ready to go back to work...I want some time off to work on my creative projects. And yet...what about health insurance...and dental...and my savings account? My heart goes out to my unemployed family.


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