
Monday, January 26, 2009

Turtle Island

Walking from the parking lot to the Center for Spiritual Living to hear Carolyn Myss I was enveloped by a pungeant aroma so divine and enchanting that it was uplifting. The connection made me feel enlivened and happy. It put a skip into my step. It was dark so I couldn't locate the source. I am thinking cedar or pine and will go back soon to see if I can identify this green being who emits such sweetness. This was much like my sage experience in Encinitas. Green beings have auras, too, an environmental space channeling communication.

I asked Carolyn to sign her book with "Turtle Island". She looked at me strangely as if this was an odd request. I held my ground clear as a bell and solid as rock. After some hesitation she agreed and signed. This was the same request I made to Deepak Chopra when I met him in Seattle and asked him to sign his book. Carolyn's response reminded me of childhood and how I was different and didn't fit in. Back then I was self-conscious and learned shame. This response met no shame in me. I love Carolyn and look forward to spending time with her and other authors--whose books feed mainstream America--in San Diego this spring. (Archangel Michael will be leading off the event via Doreen Virtue!)

Why Turtle Island? In 1994 I participated in the Blue Moon Medicine Lodge. One woman gifted me with a turtle shell and I made a rattle with a perfect stick I had just found on a hike. A stick that said "take me home". The Grandmother of the lodge gave me the name "Yellow Turtle Spirit". I now realize that I carry Turtle Island like a Native pipe carrier carries his pipe. Turtle is one of my totems. A human form is a totem with a spectrum of beings associated with each chakra. In our linear conditioning we have forgotten our mystical connections. Many have forgotten their childlike imaginations...and many more are reclaiming them.

At the talk a woman sat next to me. I recognized her...Starfeather! She was my mid-wife when I "birthed" my drum in 2002. She had offered a day long workshop and we made our personal drum. "Coincidence" that she would sit next to me out of the thousands of people attending? "Synchronicity" is the word these days. It's that grid pulling parts together.


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