
Thursday, January 22, 2009

Radiation Inside Out = Sun Substance

I heard on the news that docs are telling patients that they need more vitamin D. I hear from many directions that radiation cures cancer. Who's talking about inside out radiation? Is this not sun substance and vitamin D? Health can be generated by our own has that natural intelligence and alignment.

Yesterday in this library a woman was asking about books on depression. She was reaching out for help. I wanted to respond and share with her my information and inspiration. How to do that? In a book...or a workshop...or plugging in to a local grassroots non-profit and assist the new national wave of changing lives?

Today I have a job interview at Catholic Community Services. I like this section from their website:

Stories of Hope
For 90 years, Catholic Community Services has lived out our deep commitment to stand in service and solidarity with the people we serve. Stories of Hope are small glimpses into the life tragedies and triumphs of real people. We share these stories in order to inspire and enlighten you to learn more about our work, and to join us in our journey of hope with those we serve.

The salary is a huge step backward, however. The plus is that this is very grassroots and I would be plugged in to volunteers, businesses, churches, neighborhoods and there is a spiritual foundation. Perhaps I could use language that rises up naturally.


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