
Thursday, January 29, 2009

Transcendent Love & Emotional Love

Someone mentioned "transcendent love" and "emotional love". It got my inner wheels turning.

What is transcendent love? What is emotional love? Some thoughts:

Transcendent love without emotion is cold and full of concept and dogma that can lead to self-righteousness.

Emotional love without transcendence is hot and full of need and co-dependence that can lead to addictions.

What would the merging of the two look like? It would emanate as passion sourcing from gravitational attraction, response and contact through touch of earth bodies. This is kundalini in expression, in action. This is energy and matter radiating. Passion is something to rejoice in and celebrate not something to hide under a bushel.

Emotion is feminine and resides in both men and women. Perhaps it even resides in trees, plants, rocks, animals, water, etc. People are afraid of emotions and block their flow or splatter them messily without discernment. Emotions are outlets for loving light (not ego) that can open new channels for creativity of expression in both male and female.

Sexual expression is part of energetic passion. However, there is so much more that can move through love. Sexual expression is a part, not the whole. When two bodies (+)(-) are centered in spiritual transcendence and earthy emotional expression a new quality of love can flow/radiate!


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