
Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Star Frequencies

No responses regarding a job...yet other responses from friends come in such as this:


In the course of human life--under "normal" consciousness--we live by accessing the collective ancient human mind's base; filled with 3.5 million year old survival strategies and accessed through the random nature of our emotional or repressed inclinations. And in this way, we live in the mire of our fate. When we are inspired enough to seek guidance from the higher consciousness, we access more elevated frequencies . . . also in the collective ancient human mind, but far more progressive and intuitive than fate. As an individual incarnation, we achieve this access through our sacred disciplines (yoga, prayer, meditation and love), opening the miraculous world of our destiny--far beyond the limitations of fate.

It is for this very reason that our ancient sacred disciplines are so essential to reconstruct those random inclinations. This is mandatory for the next evolution of humanity.In addition to our sacred disciplines, there is what we put into our bodies in the form of food, drink, conversation, study and more. Then in addition there is what we surround our bodies with, up to and including the most distant events . . . the celestial bodies--moon, sun, stars and beyond. The calibration, called Feng Shui and Vastu Shastra at an immediate level, and astrology at a distant level was once a collective of true science . . . then non-believers banished this way of viewing the subtle realities.These energies are at present sending a huge message.

We are Mercury retrograde and in the midst of an extreme period between two eclipses. This is a time for only conscious action. Here is the subtler score: the New Moon Solar Eclipse of January 25-26, 2009 and the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse of February 9, 2009 connects with a Mars/ Saturn /Uranus link within the Moon and Jupiter locked on the 8th and 11th of February. Those two days do NOTHING but meditate and relax. As this is a binary universe--for every action there is an equal reaction--the two weeks we are reviewing here are not only a time to watch out for, but also a moment of unique opportunity. It can greatly empower anything you truly focus your attention on.

It is a deep cleansing process--the Presidential, Cabinet and Congress (a U.S.A. total frequency shift) is merely a symbol of these opportunities. There is a genuine feeling of renewal all over the globe--life's interdependence, interrelatedness and interconnectedness is reflected in the re surging power of Humanity's collective consciousness. Additionally during this monumental moment of change, we are receiving assistance from each other's assistants . . . Angels are out in full force. Join their dancing in the cosmic mix . . . and oh yeah--the Chinese New Year of the Ox--a year to reap great rewards from great effort. Dust off your sacred lofty business plans and prepare to act.

Always with Sacred Love, Blessings, Prayer and Gratitude . . .
Guru Singh and Guruperkarma Kaur.


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