
Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Potent Creativity of the Unknown

WorkSource is an excellect resource for us unemployed folks. I will be learning a lot from them that can help me ground in this realm of linear map/grid. My brain-body, however, is more than linear!

Life seems surreal at times. I think it has to do with not working -- not being plugged in to the linear work day world. My body is going through some strange shifts. Shoulders, especially the left/West, are sore causing a spaceyness in head/brain. Energy is coming in at the back of my head...something I've not experienced before. Is it another chakra like the wing chakra?

Yesterday I walked at sunset overlooking Puget Sound waters. There continues to be something mystical about this time of day...something mystical at this edge of water and land. (where my salamander was birthed) This morning (3:00 am ish) I awoke and felt like I was turning into a dragon! Is there a dragon clan on earth? What is this kundalini force revealing? How do I interpret this language coming in and maybe going out?

My book project/workshop has shape shifted again! New ideas keep showing up. I keep wanting to reach out to people in my presence who are in pain or despair. I want to offer wellness through the sacred map/grid journey that has helped me find wholeness. How can one offer something in this realm that has its source in the divine/sacred realm? I listen, receive and express; listen, receive and express. Where I land I do not know. I am in the midst of a dark night of the sacred. There are no monsters or demons here -- other than the mind that doesn't know what the future holds. This dark night is a rich and fertile garden.

I had a MAJOR breakthrough. A past pattern has been to stay in the radiation/attraction phase with a male for months and years. That phase is shortened. I will no longer do this energetic connection without a grounded purpose, without service in this world. I spoke with a man I was attracted to about working together on a project. What's the purpose of attraction if not to be openly creative in this world? I am not attached to the outcome. I trust he knows what is right for him. My victory is in moving energy full circle -- into action. This is my masculine voice now speaking. He protects and guides me to and through action.

I'm in a very precarious position. I don't have a grounded map yet. I don't know what the garden looks like. I listen and watch. I plant seeds. I feel the energetic forces at work. I laugh and I cry. I have hope and I have doubt. It's all very intense. It's all compost for the garden.

My whole being is ready for shamanic expression. Something more than this world. Something digging, clawing, rooting. Something sprouting, budding, branching. Something blossoming, flowering, fruiting. Something full circle radiating.

Now, I have to stop this creativity that I love and want to do full time. Now, I have to look for a job in this world. It's all so bizarre! Is there a way to integrate the two?? I listen, I watch. I express.


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