
Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Orcas Island

I awoke Sunday morning to vivid image of red/brown scales. The scope of the image reminded me of my serpent/dragon skin but this was quite different. I later wrote "tree bark". When I arrived on Orcas Island I automatically/subconsciously drove to Cascade Falls. On the hike ancient fir tree trunks popped out at me wearing those red/brown scales. We embraced! I love trees; trees love me. I walked off path and sat to listen. Above me was an empty bird's nest. Humans will never duplicate the mystique and power of Goddess. Humans can, however, participate in Her magic and contribute to Her wonder. She appreciates that. How do I know? I feel it, hear it, smell it, taste it, see it. I beam it.

The two-day retreat on Orcas Island was rejuvenating. I had no idea how much I needed the green moss and open space. After hours of solitude and quiet I was able to reconnect with Goddess song that is both stimulating and nurturing. Does that mean that Goddess is both male and female?

Watching an Eagle glide on wind currents made me wonder if Eagle feels exhileration in that moment or if Eagle is simply acting out mechanically. What would scientists say? It really doesn't matter what anyone says because I project my reality onto my environment. Enter quantum physics.

Light is teacher inspiring and informing. Light shines through matter or hits blocks that communicate discomfort and disharmony. Darkness is part of this Earth plane reality. Darkness is also teacher. Darkness plays out one way when one is unconscious: the effects produce more chaos. However, when darkness plays out in consciousness the effect is increased order. Darkness is part of our human journey both within and with others. It's a joy to learn this dance in consciousness of love. And what comes through now is that love includes the whole so the impetus is always upward and onward. It's a force of e-motion. Trees, moss, water, eagle carry e-motional intelligence that produces increased Love through matter. Matter is required for love's expression on earth.


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