
Friday, May 14, 2010


Fog and pressure set in again Wed AM c asing discomfort. The pattern seems to be in a t that includes head, throat, neck, shoulders and upper back. Reminds me of a brace for a kite and the wing chakra. I was starting to wonder if some outside force didn't want me to give my Circle of Life talk. Very surreal.

Brother with curly hair and big brown eyes encouraged me to go to the Pokua beach and see turtles. Said it would be relaxing. He showed me turtles. After I took several pictures I stood upright on the lava and felt a clean circle/aura around me. I commented about it to my sis and if it was a meeting of destiny!

Brother drove me East to my talk. Rainbows were on our left/North, we drove under it and then rainbow was on our right/South. What a sweet moment to share with my bro. I've never spent so much time with my usually mean a conference or spiritual retreat. I think I'm getting grounded!

8 people at my talk. I asked each one to introduce themselves and say what the circle means to them. Lorraine, staff person at Tu Tu's House, drew an image and talked about it. It was the exact image I had seen in my seeking for solidarity. This was and is confirmation that the conscious body of God/dess is alive and well! Three familymembers attended my talk. The two women commented how the mapping experience brought up grief and self-awareness. I so appreciate their support!

I noticed the high school art teacher at the class had written down my comment that "healing oneself is healing the planet". Wow...maybe she'll share that with her students.

I was so clear yesterday...thank goodness that pressure has passed for now.

Lovely wind here and blue waters. Sacred space.

Also realizing that low vibration and those who project it can be assimilated in whole conscious body and channeled appropriately. It's part of that t process.


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