
Thursday, August 5, 2010

Hell and Holiness

I move along at a good clip and then life throws up a wall of grief and the dark night of hell begins. This cycle never ceases to amaze me. One must go through it and feel all the dark emotion and act out the pain. This time my body got sick because I was too busy last week to slow down...this week I had to. Anyway, I'm back to my energetic self again. But, it's not the same's a new day after a dark night! I'm getting even more active and we may be creating Sustainable Woodinville. It's an opportunity for Sammamish Valley Grange and the Sammamish Valley Alliance to be part of a larger network. I'm wanting to make signs and organize a rally to protest the expansion of development all around the valley where I live. What to say? Do I want to create more borders and division? Or do I focus on Evolutionary Leadership and promote that? It's a conversation to have as Sustainable Woodinville. We'll's a vision, it's a seed. I've planted so many seeds....

Regarding sickness...I think it's a time of purification and not a bad thing as uncomfortable as it is. I think all matter must purify in rhythmic cycles. Consciousness is gracious enough to let us see the light at the end of the tunnel. Consciousness is loving because it's connected to the larger whole that is holy.


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