
Friday, December 10, 2010


A couple nights ago as I was going to sleep I saw a face in the distant of mind's eye. I thought "Jesus." I listened and watched and felt a surge of energy. This process reminded me of the SeaDragon experience on the beach: an image, words and energy surge.

A night or so later (My wiring is not detail oriented so I flow with this creative process rather than write down details of events. My markers of time, however, are Earth and Sun relationship in a more wholistic and embracing way of intuition.) a white skull appeared. I thought okay, negative forces. This morning I wonder why skulls come through as white. Are they "wolves in sheeps clothing" with deceptive intent and that what is seen on the surface is not what is underneath. Negative/toxic forces lurk in the shadows but are felt: seen, heard, smelled, tasted. A toxin is a toxin and I choose to go around them...haah...sometimes through them!

This morning as I was considering these things Jesus came through. First the face that I new as a child in Sunday School. Then he came through in his white robes. Soon after Mother Theresa came through. I wondered why I was seeing these teachers of Light and Love. Then I remembered. I had asked for guidance and support today! I have invited two Native Elders to speak at the Regional Food Policy Council this morning. I care deeply about this inclusion of a people in my Family who have been tossed aside and forgotten locally and globally.

Wow...a surge of energy just came through my heart. I Love and I am in Love with Light and yet I have to do the daily tasks and details. I would prefer to simply bliss out...but there is work to do and I am here to play my part. So, here goes another day in Paradise.


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