
Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Addiction and Light

And why is the entertainment industry feeding addiction? And why do audiences play along? Is it because they are intoxicated and numb? I question the standards of this industry.

As I watch the music and dance award shows I notice that each one is increasingly risqué in its nudity and sexual gyrations. Is this not an indicator of a civilization in decline? I am not a prude…I am a hot blooded female. However, I am also spiritual and intelligent. I am more than red and orange energetic vibrations of lowest chakras. I am also yellow, green, blues and violet. And I am white light. A comparison is a flute that has only two openings for air. What a limited sound it makes.

It’s time to question the standards of all industries and systems. It’s time to demand quality that is well-rounded and nourishing. It is interesting that Dancing with the Stars winner was the older woman who was genuine, natural and wholesome. And I do see and hear positive interractions in these shows. My concern, however, is the effect this red and orange is having on our young people who are watching as well as the collective psyche.

I begin to wonder who/what is pulling our strings and keeping us from evolving to the next level? I think about the astral plane and wonder what that realm has to gain by keeping us in limited expression? The balance of light and dark forces is playing out at all levels, in all dimensions.

As earthlings evolve into wholeness we lift and resurrect all dimensions. Why? How? Because, as enlightened/conscious matter in denser matter, we hold a lineage as Light Beings. We stand in and for that which is highest and question that which is not. We are not silent. We are not numb. We are alive and rippling good news throughout the cosmos.

Be not fooled by Darkness. Focus on Light. Shine Light. Light I Am.


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