
Monday, November 8, 2010

Lucid Space/Time

My life would be much easier if I was more logical and could remember details. Wednesday night I made coffee that I had purchased at Dragon Lair in Hawaii to take to a meeting. At midnight I was wired and could not sleep. At 1:00 AM I realized why I had no grounding center and was buzzing. The coffee is not decaf! I decided to eat something at 2:00 AM and by 4:00 I finally slept. Ugh! Someone used to tell me that I could remember details if I just tried. I told him that it was the same as me telling him that he could have visions if he just tried. The point being that we are all wired differently. My “differently” is why I tend to be timid about certain things because I never fit into that linear square.

Driving to Tacoma last Thursday I felt an over arcing sense of peace and contentment. This stayed with me all day. Is this inside out or outside in or an intersection of both? How could my brain/body be so content after a sleepless night?

Saturday I stood on sacred ground with indigenous people at the foot of a great pyramid here in the Pacific NW. It is one of several pyramids that are lined up on this West coast. A few of us Evolutionary Leaders visited Rob and Liz Satiacum with the Puyallup Tribe. I was treated with such respect from both of them. I felt honored which is quite a gift from another human being. They both gave me space to pray and to my surprise I was ready, even hungry for this expression. Rob had talked about the throat being a drum that moves water molecules that we are. My drum was ready and eager to make sacred sound. I realize it’s the same drum that I love to sound at City Council meetings. It’s a whole brain/body song.

Sunday as I was standing in my circle garden I got that this circle connects with sacred circles all around the planet and beyond. I’m getting that a circle is a portal that communicates and keeps us safe. It’s time to create more circles in our personal lives and in our communities. Labyrinths and medicine wheels are ancient medicine that connects us locally, globally, cosmically. These gateways of the cosmic grid need points of conscious connection.

I was in deep thought early this morning before rising. I noticed that my field of vision was shifting and I shifted with it observing a white lucid field and as I focused I saw circular patterns and letters in blue. I focused in more on the letters and words and saw “hate.” I later asked myself what is “hate?” I got that hate is a violation of another person’s personal space. It’s actually self-hate being projected outward. I checked in again regarding my “hate” toward others. There are lines I draw with people and places because I don’t feel safe. There are people and places I stay away from. Is this hate? I see it as self-love and healthy boundaries. What was this experience telling me?

Later this morning a woman called. She is a shaman and someone I see occasionally. She was upset about something I had done without informing her. I was surprised but as she spoke I put myself in her shoes and understood. I think it was this woman’s emotion that was behind the “hate” that I picked up. The experience reminds me of a similar situation I had with a different woman shaman. In that shamanic space we were engaged in a cat fight until I chose to leave the scene. Both incidents involved a man. How brainwashed we are to live and breathe as if our happiness depends on a man! How much pain we suffer because of this illusion.

What is my lesson in all this new lucid space? I see it as an opportunity to see more, know more, heal more, love more. We are one body of water, air, earth and fire. I welcome these healing elemental threads that intensify in our lives in our consciousness. Our purpose is to work with them by weaving golden light of love in the wounded dark spaces. It’s a personal and collective opportunity in this Aquarian Age of enlightenment.


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