
Monday, November 1, 2010

Dream Time

Woke up this morning with a golden disc above my head/North. In Ancient Aliens Gate of the Gods in Peru has a door with golden disc and the story was that there was some device used to open that gate in stone.

Lucid Dream: Ascending in flying dream to get from point A to point B. I feel elation. A "songline" whispers, "What would happen if you fell." Then a strong gust of wind comes in pushing me out of the black U that I am sitting on. The U seat goes to the right, I fall and land (I am not injured due to the warning beforehand)and a third piece falls to my left. I run after the U seat but it is too far away and is behind a vehicle that I cannot catch up with.

I see a device like a TV remote. It has a wound black cord (repeat dream symbol). I am trying to call my daughter and have two phones one in the left pocket and one in the right. I keep trying one and then the other. I dial incorrectly again and again which causes me to look closely at the devices. One is more compact with writing on it. The other is similar to my cell phone but newer. All three devices gradient sizes.

Not sure if these symbols are giving me information about this dimension or another. Interesting that "songline" experience happens in both dimensions. It's like an underground current that might be called a hunch or intuition or psychic cue. Perhaps it's associated with geomancy.


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