
Friday, October 29, 2010

Ancient Aliens - Sacred Places

At my son's ECOSS event last night a man who works with my son told me that my eyes were very bright. To me that means that my light was circulating. It also means that his light was circulating to have seen that as well as to put language around it and communicate it! This man works in Economic Development with the City of Seattle. I'll send him information about Transition.

Ancient Aliens show on TV last night re Bermuda Triangle, Zone of Silence in Mexico, Gate of the Gods in Peru, etc. (I want to go to Peru!) Places that are magnetic vortexes, interdimensional doorways and portals. Talked about sky people who are light skinned. All reminding of my recent dream about doorway and parallel universe. Showed the world grid that is a systemic network where energies come together and compared it to acupuncture! Showed how the sacred sites are connected. Also talked about dream tracks (Australia), dragon lines (Chinese) and Ley Lines (Ireland?).

Geomancy google:

Mid-Atlantic GeomancyPowerpoints of Place
Geomancy explores the realm where human consciousness meets and dialogues with the Spirit of the Earth. It empowers the harmonious interaction between person and place, and can enhance spiritual growth.

Powerpoints in Time
While Geomancy honours the spirit of place, it also honours its intersection with the Spirit of Time. We honour all spiritual paths with heart, and so, we would begin by recognising that different paths see different days as special. On these islands, the builders of Stonehenge honoured the Summer Solstice, at Newgrange, they honoured the Winter Solstice, but all spiritual paths and world religions hold different days as special.


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