
Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Increasing Spin

A quantum leap day yesterday…a shifting of gears.

I met with Jun who is local facilitator for IONS to talk about Evolutionary Leaders in the Pacific Northwest. He is like a new person. Not the same one I met at the IONS meeting a couple months ago nor the same one at the last EL meeting. Jun is now like a spinning wheel both on the phone and in person. Rough edges are gone! He is happy, alive! We engaged in great conversation and both of us learned how similar we are and yet how different. He reads a lot of books. Ken Wilbur is a favorite author. He remembers material from the books and shares information with me. Jun asked me a lot of questions and we clarified some language. I told him how grateful I am that he is different as it means that I don’t have to read all those books—which I’m not wired to do. I’m wired to be more still and receptive and now in my life to have my hands in soil. I can learn from him. He is helpful regarding community building and values Open Space as I do. He’s experienced the World Café model which is also recommended in the Transition Handbook. Both are ways to be inclusive as communities are developed.

After meeting with Jun I ran into another EL participant. He wanted to talk so I spent time with him. As we were leaving we ran into Jun again with another EL person. So I stood with three guys talking about EL and consciousness. This was a new experience—so fun! These men ask about the mission, purpose and direction of our local EL group. It’s as if they want me to define our group which I cannot do because we are a community/network/system of parts . I told them that the process is organic and that the group will be what individuals bring to it and through it. For me EL is an open space through which spirit moves. That is my ongoing intention—to let spirit move and not create a false structure with mental or ego mind. It’s a process of listening first to oneself and to others. After listening is conversation that hopefully creates agreement in the direction of movement forward. June gave me this quote, “…conversation is the way we think together.” I love it!….note emotion…a natural part of this higher vibration and spin.

I also met with Kalvin over the weekend. He is leader of the Native Indian Club at Tacoma Community College. Another experience of engaged conversation! I’ve never had the time to sit and be so engaged…always running this way and that. It’s a new place of grounding within myself and with others. Kalvin is a leader and has organized some November events to honor Native Heritage Month. He invited me to teach Circle of Life mapping class to the students and said that the school would purchase booklets. Seeing a seed that I had planted sprout makes me very happy. Perhaps it will bear fruit.

This engagement with men is a reflection of inner engagement with my masculine self. I remember how uncomfortable I was talking to boys as a child and how there was no deep conversation that included feelings in my family. I didn't even know how to talk to my mom and dad and I know this was the collective pattern for most of us. That old pattern/tape is erased and a new spin is happening! I am sooo happy! Happiness spills over to others in the spinning of an increasing number of gears.


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