
Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Gravitational Tension

I sat next to a woman last night at the city council meeting who is interested in the Transition Movement and who is on the Planning Commission. It amazes me when connections are this easy...and this ease is increasing! It's as if the parts are ready to fall easily into place. As if inner communion and outer community are aligned at a new level.

"Tension" between parts involves gravity and attraction. It's the stuff that keeps orbs moving in space/time. Orbs at all all realities. Not all orbs are meant to be in one system. Like atoms with parts; garden with flowers; orchestra with musical instruments; song with notes; planet with people; galaxy with planets; universe with galaxies.

Dragon force generates fire making all things new near and far. Our bodies are lining up in higher vibration as new thinking, speaking, acting create new systems for the good of the whole.

I am so grateful for the integration and its manifestations in the world.


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