
Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Parts in Balance

Transition Summit with 60 in attendance was historical – the first to be held in the US. We are Transition Cascadia with many parts. A Native American, Bud, asked about prayer at the beginning of the day but he wasn’t heard. I had felt the same thing and had envisioned drumming. Later in the day he passed around a wooden ball for all to add their energy. When I held it in hand my serpent appeared in mind’s eye. I told Bud about this and he asked about the color and type of serpent. I didn’t get these details and he suggested the serpent has to do with the work I have to give. Medicine Cards by Jamie Sams and David Carson suggest snake has to do with transmutation/fire/magic. After hours of summit talk, talk, talk I had a headache. I needed to shift gears. In the past I would have put this out there and advocated for Sacred Feminine energy. This time I was still and content. At dinner there were two chairs left in the room. I approached a man and asked if I could sit down. I was immediately embraced by his aura. He asked me questions that opened up my experience of imbalance. He heard me and encouraged me to say more. Four of us had a dynamic conversation as one man at the table was very left brain…we talked about energetic differences and found balance in agreement. It then felt right for me to be the spokesperson for our little group and I was able to talk to the whole circle about the sacred masculine and feminine and the importance of inclusion of diversity. Others in the whole circle supported more balance of head, heart and hands and someone even suggested that we do a project in the next community when and where we meet. I will now read Rob Hopkins Transition Handbook and invite the community to participate in Transition Woodinville.

Nine people from the Evolutionary Leaders event attended the first meeting. This was an absolutely amazing response. I had emailed and called people. Outreach and inclusion is how community is built! Some of us are more comfortable with flow and less structure; others are the opposite. I notice that people (myself included) can get both defensive and offensive when it comes to their way of being and doing. I wanted to assure everyone that each one is heard and that what they bring to the circle is valued. During the meeting Steven commented about the good way I was facilitating. That’s another first from Steven! I had not been heard or seen earlier in life and that pain and that healing taught me to listen to others and include them in one circle. (“Love” comes to mind for myself and others.)

I am and we are giving birth to two bodies: Transition Woodinville and Pacific Northwest Evolutionary Leaders. Transition has a component called Heart and Soul. I’m thinking that PNWEL might play a role here if the group is so drawn. I want to integrate the parts and my work within the parts.

I told Steven that I didn’t want to work a mainstream job. He suggested I create my own job and do mind mapping. When he suggested I cut out pictures from magazines for a map a familiar scene entered mind’s eye: a cabin in the woods! I have seen this cabin before in vision.

Today I contacted Claire at the Root Connection, our local CSA. I told her about my interest in supporting local farms and working for our agriculture valley. I told her if I retire this fall I could work part-time. I am letting other people here in the valley know that I am looking for part-time work. This feels so right and I can breathe more easily now. I am looking forward to getting off unemployment with its constant job searching and ground in work that I want to do: work that is sustainable and evolutionary!

I notice that I now have male friends in my life….as well as female. A good balance! I am grateful that my life is grounding in community right here under my feet! I think there is a chakra located at the feet and its black.

There is natural tension between parts because the parts are diverse. This is true at micro and macro levels. A "sweet spot" is found when the parts balance and harmonize. I find this true within my own parts of heart, mind and body and with other individuals and within groups. Our work is to bring the parts together in balance of sustainability.

I turned on CNN earlier today and heard an anchor talk about the American Dream. He said the definition is a house, wealth, materialism and added that is not his dream nor is it the dream of many others. He suggested the American Dream is evolving. It so reminded me of the values and action of Transition Initiatives around the world.


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