Archangel Michael

I'm deleting this story from my website ( to make the website less personal and more business oriented.
My personal story holds many chapters. The most dramatic chapter was 36 years ago when I hit bottom. That dark time landed me on a spiritual path
and in my first meditation I saw the image of white feathers and heard the name "Michael". I learned from my metaphysical teacher at that time that
this was Archangel Michael who was visiting a lot of people on the planet. What seemed like no big deal to her was a big deal to me.
My world turned upside down and inside out. There was more to life than this physical plane of reality. I chose to let go of my addictive behaviors and started to listen within to my new Angelic friend and the Light that s/he carried. Michael has been guiding me ever since.
Choosing a spiritual path is not easy. Along with the bliss of transcendent identity (a whole body experience not a mental concept) is the pain of being in an ego body. The healing transformative journey is full of emotional pain that lessens as one learns to identify with Truth beyond ego suffering.
Due to my spiritual journey I had to make many sacrifices in my early life. An encounter with the force Kundalini took me out of my brain-body and I was not able to function normally. It was as if I was on a different wavelength and all I could do was to be still. This encounter affected my young family, my education, and career. Angelic Light was my guide and I kept turning toward it in both dark and light times of my life.
Once again Archangel Michael takes center stage in my life offering more inspiration and information. Michael is both male and female. S/he holds the strength of Truth and the gentleness of Love. May the Sword of Truth and Love prevail on Earth.
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