
Friday, August 6, 2010

Dual Speak

Shamanic talk:

Woke up to an image of skull and cross bones. Not very loving. What force is projecting that image on the field of consciousness? My force, your force, our force? I am seeing with those eyes at the back of my head and view a "pleat" in the fabric or a "split" mirror or "spliced" wire. Illusion of duality. We are of shadow and we are of light. In and out a revolving door that radiates and reflects, radiates and reflects.

Trish talk.

Someone asked me where I learned the Circle of Life teaching. I was blank…until I was at a party in front of a bonfire singing this earth chant: I walk your sacred ground, healing waters I have found, rivers flowing strong and deep wash away your tears; Mother I hear your cry, I feel your every sigh, I have come to comfort you, around the Medicine Wheel. After I sang I mentioned that I had sung this for my mom’s funeral service. And then I remembered! That’s the first time I did a Circle of Life story mapping…for my mom’s funeral service. This reveals to me that my brain remembers through association and not data input and output. I am not a machine! Often I go to retrieve information and it’s not there. My wires are wrapped differently.


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