
Friday, August 20, 2010

My Cornfield

This poem is part of a book project entitled The Language of the Sacred Feminine. It's the story of my life journey and evolving relationship with inner Sacred Feminine and Sacred Masculine.

I love to plant, nurture and watch corn grow. There are so many unique parts that evolve with one another. For the first time this spring, summer and autumn seasons delivered corn that grew to full maturity. Every single corn kernel was in place giving itself to the body for nourishment. I continue to sing praises to corn.

My Cornfield

Herein lies my cornfield
spanning a space of many years

It contains rows and rows
of seed planted
in the soil of my life
and soul of my being

The rows were tended
over time and nourished
through life giving elements
of water, air, earth and fire

I offer this corn as living myth
its kernels full of nourishing symbol
imagery and imagination
inner sight and sound
mystery, dreams, archetypes
poetry and nature

Herein lies my cornfield
planting, weeding, harvesting, feeding
field of Self

Corn Circle includes these parts:

East ~ Planting
South ~ Weeding
West ~ Harvesting
North ~ Digesting and assimilating


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