
Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Wall of Jericho

A young man at the library has been using profanity and acting out of control. People rolled their eyes but no one complained so I did. Twice. Twice he had to leave. Today, after the incident, I noticed an energy in my body that felt snobbish as if I was above this young man. What other choice do I have in response to someone out of control? I could tell him, "The Kingdom of God is within you...rejoice and be glad!" -- is exactly what popped into mind when I asked myself this.

I was talking with a friend on the phone yesterday about non-violent communication. He mentioned that it's about seeing beyond the words and hearing what the person might need at a deeper level. In hearing this I felt something crack open in my seeing/awareness. Today something more cracked open. It was as if a wall lifted between me and other people. Love is both negative and positive and I now have more awareness of my choices as the wall thins.

There is no prescribed way to respond to right/wrong or good/bad. There is a range of emotional choices in the moment. Conscious awareness is ever evolving/expanding...such is the way of Love...of self and others.


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