
Thursday, October 14, 2010

Inverting DC to AC

Spoke at City Council again. This time I didn’t write out my talk and discovered that my delivery had more “spin”.

Spin is juicy/charged/energetic/emotional/electromagnetic/spiritual. Spin is spirit moving through emotional/mental body and personality. I am a circle with ego personality as outer rim and spirit moving center core and outward. I now experience spin as lightheartedness that is upbeat and colorful — maybe warm. I would need another person's feedback on that as I don't perceive myself as others do. I often learn about myself from other people's observation/response (feedback loops).

During the City Council break a council member gave me her business card expressing interest in learning more about Transition. Another council member expressed appreciation for what I’ve been sharing and said that she wanted what I had (referring to that “spin”). She said that things were too polarized and that it was time for something new, different and that Transition might be it. The response at city hall is amazing.

I met with the chair of the Emergency Preparedness Commission. We see Transition as Community Preparedness and the two go hand in hand. We had a good connection and conversation.

Alternative Energy is teaching me about mechanical and electrical work/energy/systems: alternator, battery, generator, amplifier, fly wheel, converter. DC is converted to AC via an inverter. Is this a download of vibration? Are chakra wheels inverters?

Why, at my elder age, do I backtrack communication patterns as a child, teenage and adult? Because that's how the threads move...all the way back to source. I feel those threads quite tangibly and that's a sign of transparency and fluidity. A knowing without blocks. That knowing includes snags as well as free flow. I can yank on the threads and tell myself to shape up and I can yank on the threads and say "thank you" for teaching me through forgiveness and love.


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