
Thursday, October 28, 2010

Aquarian Network of Light

Drip, drip, drip.

Chemical hormones are injected into brain body creating function or dysfunction, peace or turmoil. What causes this injection? Conscious awareness of all the parts – Soul or Solar overview – Light that I am.

This brain body holds chakra wheels that spin
generating vibrational force
generating brain waves
generating hormonal chemicals
generating action via nerves and muscles.
Circulation of water, air, earth and fire.

At our Transition Woodinville orientation I spontaneously opened the meeting by acknowledging our circle, the directions and the spirit beings and angels holding these directions. This brain body action surprised me because these were new people to me and a new group. However, I go with the flow trusting myself and others seemed to as well.

Mother Earth’s brain body holds chakra wheels that spin
generating vibrational force
generating brain waves
generating hormonal chemicals
generating action via nerves and muscles.
Circulation of water, air, earth and fire.

The free flow motion and emotion of spin is a sign of this Aquarian Age as points of light connect in supportive network of tissue….new collective substance subtle in spirit and gross in matter.


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