
Sunday, November 14, 2010


The Regional Food Policy Council meeting gives me a monthly opportunity to be a voice for Transition Culture. This week I heard people talk about including indigenous people in an event. An ha-ha moment! Indigenous people need to be sitting in this circle! So, I am calling Native friends to see who can represent our natural landscape and its wild edible foods on this council. How forgotten our native people are. I love looking into the dark black eyes of native people and I love their dark black hair. Differences are meant to be noticed via appreciation of connection and not fear and hate.

I’m discovering that it’s natural for me to network with people I see/hear/touch and what a drain it is on me to do the social network thing with people I don’t see/hear/touch. Matter holds charge/energy/light. Matter grounds charge/energy/light. I need to work in grounded ways. Some relationships and networks provide this, others do not. I listen to my body to discern what enlivens me and what drains me. So, how is it that I can work with beings in DreamTime and be energized? It must be that in other dimensions I am seeing/hearing/touching them and they me. There is an energy exchange…a light exchange that feeds the whole system.

I have a friend who is starting to meet men via the internet dating systems. She already has 80+ hits and 50+ winks. She’s thrilled! I’ve been there, done that many years ago. I prefer another system that creates lines of attraction and brings people together naturally. This week I am meetings with two men so that we can 1) talk about Transition and spirituality and 2) talk about Aquarian metaphysics and writing/poetry. I am meeting these men as a whole woman. I am not looking for fire. I am fire and know that relationships built on fire are not sustainable. I am looking for well-rounded (water, air, earth, fire) friendships that share vision, intention, action and purpose. This is not too much to ask. This is what is transpiring.


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