
Friday, November 19, 2010

Crossing Paths

Spent time with a couple of men this week who are spiritually oriented. One is very psychic and a conduit for astral beings. He has written volumes inspired from this realm.

The other man introduced me to the Keys of Enoch and Kiesha Crowther Little Grandmother, one of the 12 young Shaman wisdom keepers to establish the "Tribe of many colors" recently was on a European Tour spreading her message on how to start living from the heart. She also speaks about our ancestors, the pole shift, where the extraterrestrials are hiding and what we can do to change our world and heal Mother Earth.

Interesting that I've crossed paths with these men. I'm listening to their information/inspiration.

I find myself challenged at times to connect linear dots and stay focused in this realm. Seems to be a thinning going on...thinning between realms. I am light headed a lot...and light footed I notice as well. It's a good sensation...I only get tangled up in cross wires when I have to relate with information in this realm!

Evolutionary Leaders group deflated. My intention was to include Native people which I did. The group was looking for different leadership. I resigned. I prefer to do few things as I need still space in my life...Transition is my focus for now.


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