
Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Body Speaks

I recently had lunch with a man I met a couple of months ago. I felt happy, upbeat, energized. We hugged goodbye and cheek to cheek I heard myself say, "I lll...ike you." My body wanted to say, "I love you" but my mind/heart intervened. I wondered what that was about!

This weekend I hugged a man I have known for years and kissed him on the cheek. I then heard myself say, "I love you." He responded, "I love you too." The moment held still waters. I see that my body is pouring forth love and it's the natural thing to ground it through touch and words. Knowing this I can be more discerning.

As Dana was singing a song about wheat fields and salmon running I was suddenly transported to my large circle garden. Emotion welled up and I had to catch my breath. I am "in love" with my garden! It's a place I nurture with tlc. I'm thinking that I spend more time in my garden than I do with any person. It holds me in its embrace. Why don't I have this emotional "attachment" to this computer that receives a lot of my time and attention? This new loving "attachment" with my garden offers new definition of love. I am "attached" to matter through elements of water, air, earth, fire. It's a healthy attachment not based in co-dependence but rather inter-dependence. ONE force field holding points of connection emanating love.

I reached out to a couple of women I had disconnected with. I opened the door for renewed friendship. Both of them chose not to reconnect. Is this the process of a "self-organizing" system that connects and disconnects...weeding itself?


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