
Saturday, December 11, 2010

Tree and Stag

I heard the question, "What about the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil and the Tree of Life in this Garden?" The tree had not spoken nor revealed itself so I don't have an answer. I have heard others speak of this Tree but I don't refer to notes or books. I wait and listen within so that my information is from living waters. I learn, I grow on inspiration from the ground up. So, here is the Tree of Life! Growing organically rooted deep in dark Earth of Goddess. A receptive space that offers a holding pattern where forces of Light and Dark meet creating new Life.

Garden Stag appears
Fear not
Let go to wild Nature
God and Goddess

Garden Green is full of shadow creatures and characters. They hide behind objects and lurk here and there attempting to steal what is not for them. Some of those objects include opinions, concepts of mental mind and energetic projections of ego body. Fear not. These goblins have no substance. They are illusions.

Shine Light. Diffuse the Lie.


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