
Sunday, December 12, 2010

Earth / Heaven Capacity

Yesterday I was inspired to design a yearly budget for the Grange. As Treasurer I need it to look a certain way. I enjoyed working with the details and was surprised how my eyes could focus. I didn't even get a headache. My grounding capacity continues to increase. I'm still working on that budget many details! I am a perfectionist and want order and organization. For one who has trouble grounding details I do value them. A good thing or my life would be in disorder.

In my Woman's Dictionary book I see that Stag represent the Horned One of old myth and that Christianity changed him to Devil. So many lies created around that which is natural in relationship one to another and to our Earth Mother/Sky Father.

Radiation - discharge
Attraction - charge
Response - discharge
Union - discharge/charge/recharge
Unified Radiation - Light of Love

My soil bathes in sun light
Like leavened bread
Yeasting malleable

Eat of the fruit in Garden Green
Eat of the bread of Conscious Body on Earth

Fear not the power of Love
Hide not from Eros

Shekina cloud of Glory
Radiant cloak to wear

Leavening definition:

An element, influence, or agent that works subtly to lighten, enliven, or modify a whole.


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