
Saturday, June 2, 2012

Core Issues

As a child I grew up next to a candy store and ate candy almost daily. Mom was a great cook and we had dessert almost daily. I remember how I craved the new “Davy Crockett” bread that came out. It was more than white bread; it had some brown in it and texture. I remember craving parsley and would get that when we went to Fife’s Poodle Dog restaurant for fish and chips which was not very often due to our large family and tight finances. Now I work to sort out the emotional, mental and physical wiring of my core issue with food. Inflammation talks to me and lets me know when I am not centered at my core and am eating off balance. Will this merry-go-round ever stop? Will this never-ending tape ever end? Yes, it is thinning as I am no longer unconscious. Yes, I am learning more about my self and Self.

Yesterday I looked at a cookie at Noon and chose to eat it rather than sitting down to a balanced lunch. My emotional attachment was louder than the structured intention that I had once again put into place. Negative self-talk played out the rest of the day. I am my own best critic. I see that I am out of body when eating off balance. When grounded—-using logic to uphold emotion-—I am balanced and at my core. Last night in a split second I saw/heard/sensed (non-linear is circular and includes more than one level of experience) a critical thread-thought coming in from the right of my head (NW). In that same split second I saw/heard/sensed something at center that stopped the old negative message before it got through (N/S). I then experienced “radiation” in my head as if a contact had been made. I sensed I had made contact with the “demon” behind that negative pattern; the puppeteer holding the strings. Instinctively and deliberately I held that time and space. I stayed with it face to face. It was definitely a new and direct contact with my self and other forces that have wrapped around/controlled this core issue.

As I lay down to sleep a hologram came into mind's eye. It was purplish-pink with an E/N/W arc and radiating, pulsating beams were moving outward toward me. Today I think about the pineal gland and chakra and it's color.

Dream: I am with a few people. We are being stalked. Then small objects are being thrown at us. We are in direct line of fire. Then I look closely at tree and see the attacker in between the limbs. As I make contact he falls from the trunk [core] of the tree. He has a rifle and comes after us. We flee. Other drama then look down at my feet. My left foot is bare; my right foot has a shoe and is one that I wear currently.

My client is home from the hospital 9 days early. My life is now full of doctor offices and hospitals. I am appalled at the way the nurses push pills. He has 8 different medications. When he told one of his cardiologists that he wanted to get off some of them the doc’s response was that he needed to add one. I learn that my client should not eat many green leafy vegetables due to one of his meds. And that one med needs another med because of its effect. In the rehab center my client was regularly served desserts with meals. I did not see fresh salads being served. What a corrupt system! Who is the winner here? This is a systemic core issue! At least we have a President and First Lady who are aware of this issue and working on it. I appreciate their leadership!

Sexual relationship is a core experience and thus core issue similar to food. People indulge in fast food and fast sex that is available everywhere. This indulgence does not nourish our Soul individually or collectively. The mainstream media is another core issue that does not nourish our Soul. The media should be held liable because of the damage it is doing to people’s mental health and psyches. Our medical system is liable in the same way. It is time for systemic change because enough parts are enlightened and thus evolving to the next level of intelligence. Radiant health is the picture of intelligence.

Yes, this is a conspiracy theory but one I wonder about since men act like wild raving animals rather than Humans who are Being emotionally intelligent. Who implanted the negative and self-destructive code at our core? Who tampered with our DNA? Who or what is behind our linear drama and keeps us stuck? Humans have hearts…who works to close them? White Light prevails and pushes through matter making contact with Darkness. This, too, is a core issue.


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